Genuinely curious because I’m maybe not fully informed, but apart from being seated (assigned according to her) at the same table as Putin at some event, what has Stein done that shows she’s a Russian asset?
From someone who just casually follows the news from Lemmy and previously Reddit, it seems obvious Trump is simping for Russia, but as far as Stein, I’ve only seen that one photo at the event touted as evidence.
Aw man, he was Michaelangelo too in the CG TMNT show
I know there has to be a non zero number of people who thought this way, but I have to wonder how much of this sentiment was stirred up by say Russian bots and paid bad faith actors.
I’m getting the same vibes now when I see all the “bold of you to assume there will be elections”, without fail on any post or comment that brings up the next elections. Trying to drive this idea and normalize it.
Like how advertising works, eventually a percentage of people who have seen Cola Brand ads enough times will want to buy Cola Brand.
So much this. “Should we?” Yes you should, fucking do it already.
Concerns grow? Shouldn’t we be at the outrage stage by now?
I’m regularly seeing $12+
You have every right to be angry. More of us in this country need to be angry. It makes me both sad and angry that there are so many people with no empathy until something affects them personally.
Seriously yes finally to all of this.
I lol’d. What does it say about our attention span though that you have to tell people to wait for it when it pretty much happens in 2 seconds
Hmm do you just mean not pop/boy/girl band type of stuff?
Shiina Ringo was pretty popular back when I was listening to a lot of Japanese stuff. She can do a lot of styles but I remember her being punk rock jazzy. In the other direction, I was also into Pizzicato Five who are more retro 60s French vibes.
Dark mode really needs a bit of work for sure.
Please report this post with a link to the duplicate you saw. Wish I could verify this myself to also report.
Since when
Yikes, thanks for clearing that up.
Sorry I don’t understand how the article you linked implies what you’re saying. Is there some context I’m missing?
Yeah, you’re not missing anything by skipping Furiosa. The drop in quality is shocking. I say that as a huge Fury Road fan. I’m also a fan of Anya Taylor Joy, Hemsworth, and Tom Burke, who I knew previously and enjoy immensely on his show Strike.
The writing, directing, art direction and visual effects are almost B-movie level quality compared to Fury Road. It’s like those direct to video Disney sequels to their feature hits. I was so so so disappointed. :(
Looks great! I’d kill for a Tintin movie in this style
Honestly had little interest in this but you just sold me on it