The mainstream press failed to accurately describe the hand gesture that Elon Musk made twice at Trump’s Inauguration Day rally, setting a troubling precedent for the second Trump era.
Apologies to whoever originally posted this I downloaded it earlier today
Luigi Mangione made an odd-looking gesture towards a CEO.
It is a fun activity to think of legal standards here. Of course we don’t know what he was thinking for sure, and we never will, just like everyone else in the world every day of our lives. But we can and do judge people by their actions… In other words, where do people want to put this Nazi salute? What is their certainty about his action? Below are the legal standards.
- Reasonable suspicion
- Probable cause
- Preponderance of evidence (more likely than not)
- Clear and convincing
- Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
Where would you rank the Nazi salute conclusion? I think proof beyond reasonable doubt, and perhaps we could reasonably debate claims that it’s a level or two weaker than that. But the deniers, they want to say there’s not even reasonable suspicion, and that is a sad joke.
If it was something that came out of the blue, I might be more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt, but the man follows, regularly retweets and converses with actual (as in, they call themselves that) Nazis on Twitter.
It just shows that the mainstream media (and the ADL) aren’t really interested in the truth.
It was a Nazi salute without a doubt. The only question is if it was accidental or intentional. Musk being a far-right operative and making a bunch of Nazi puns as his response instead of an apology for the misunderstanding makes it clear it was not an accident.
I’m pretty sure what you mentioned are principles used in courts of law. As a rule, journalists can and should call a spade a spade. They don’t need to prove beyond reasonable doubt what he was thinking.
Yes, the whole point was to bring up legal examples, to show the absurdity of trying to read Musk’s mind here when we don’t even do that for murder trials.
I don’t disagree with your point but at least half of America isn’t reading any of those sources and instead live on major tv network and they’re the ones talking about the ‘gesture’
Yeah, I think I wholeheartedly agree with the Die Zeit journalist. If a right-wing person does a Hitler salute in front of a right wing audience… It’s probably a Hitler salute… Context matters and it’s not like Musk usually shares left-wing perspective on his platform. We know for a fact whom and what he sympathizes with…
The thing that my stomach drop is the crowd cheered. Not a shocked intake of breath or booing. They cheered. He did a sieg heil and they cheered it. If you cheer a Nazi doing Nazi things, you’re also a Nazi. The US has a Nazi infestation. Even if they get another remotely fair election to correct this, it won’t be accepted, again, and insurrection2 will have been prepared for, for 5 years. I feel that sieg heil of the richest person on earth marked the end of American democracy.
Republicans will never accept another election if a Democrat wins. This is our future, where every election they lose is contested. That is, if we have another election. I think we’re heading to a pseudo democracy like Russia, where they can vote but Putin always wins in a landslide.
To be honest, I don’t see them allowing a vote to go against them. It is if this shit can hold together without Trump. He’s old and doesn’t do diet or exercise. He’s the linchpin of it.
The heritage Foundation is trying to make Trump play the part of the anti Christ in the book of revelation. They need him there for 7.5 years i think. Im not sure if this includes his first term or not. They might just decide to go ahead with the lake of fire part in 3.5 years.
I spent the larger part of the day trying to convince my sister. I don’t think it worked and now I’m just depressed about it.
The best argument I’ve heard so far is “If it’s not a Nazi salute, do it at work tomorrow.”
And if its “just a hand gesture, try giving a cop the finger”
Even better, try giving a cop the full Zack de la Rocha!
(Do not)
You reached towards your waistband and he felt threatened.
No kidding huh.
I said either way the nazis know what they saw. She still double downed gaslighting me some more and changed the subject to how Bernie’s policies are more like the nazis. I never even brought up Bernie. I replied with a sad emoji after that. It’s exhausting.
If you’re really willing, I have some tips:
- Don’t start something unless you’re willing go through with it (and yes, that will likely result in getting estranged from your sister, but at this point, is it that really the worst outcome?).
- Be prepared to be highly disagreeable. That means interrupting them and talking over and not letting them speak when they inevitably try that on you.
- Do not let them change the subject. Be dogged in your determination. “Don’t change the subject, we’re talking about him being a Nazi.”
- Control the conversation. When you’ve exhausted a point, move to the next. E.g. “now that we agree that he is indeed a Nazi, what are you going to do about it?”
- Reinforce you’re being tough on them out of love. You care about what they think and that’s why you think it’s worth the effort.
- Do it on a day you can take a walk on the woods afterwards. Studies show that being among greenery helps alleviate stress.
Best of luck is rescuing your loved ones.
And so it begins
Have you shown her the side-by-side GIF of him doing the same move as the H-man? There’s another one where it shows him doing it exactly like a group of neo-nazis on a street demonstration. Mirror image.
I don’t think it will help because she said if you watch the whole Video from he perspective it looks like just an awkward gesture
I think watching the video of just him in isolation leaves room for interpretation because people think of Nazi salutes from movies, etc. plus I think a lot of people don’t want to believe that Musk would do this and want to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, when you see him doing it synchronized side by side with H-man and modern neo-Nazis and it looks like he literally practiced the exact movement with them, I think it removes any opportunity for benefit of the doubt.
Edit: here’s the video I’m referring to:
As someone whose mother is a goddamned orange supporter, just implement a no-politics rule to save your relationship.
At this point I don’t know if I want a relationship. I joke all the time about getting adopted by a progressive family maybe with a conservative uncle or two.
I’ve been saying that voting for the orange makes her somewhat of a bad person. Maybe not the first time because there could be plausible deniability, but this time, there was a lot of information. This is why I might stop talking to her.
A working relationship may be based on mutual understanding, support, values, love.
If it’s not working, it can hardly be saved by being based on only sharing some genetics.
Love it, change it or leave it can very well be applied to relationships.
Why would a sane person want to save a relationship to racist, mysogynist, hateful, spiteful, vengeful assholes by simply not letting them show what assholes they are (but yet knowing they are) in the first place?Because she protected me (as best she could) from an abusive father. I’m still considering whether I’ll cut off contact for voting for that piece of shit, but come on, I still love her. Wtf.
Strange how she had the empathy to protect you, but no empathy to protect all those endangered by the Donvict.
As long as you have the energy, try to change it - her view, your view of her view, whatever is possible and helps.
If all fails, you try something else.
All the best!Strange how she had the empathy to protect you, but no empathy to protect all those endangered by the Donvict.
That’s the thing. She has empathy for people she knows; not for people she hasn’t met and can’t imagine.
Trans people? The Gays? Who could think of that lifestyle?! /s
Also plugged into Fox “News”.
I’m out of energy for accommodating her ideology. Thank you for the kind words.
That’s the key, you just have to get her to stop ingesting the poison.
My father in law watches Fox news. Whenever he comes to visit us in Europe he spends the whole time oo’ing and ah’ing about life here and swears he understands that Fox news is propaganda.
Then he goes back home and two weeks later my mother in law is complaining that he’s got brain worms again because he started watching Fox to get Both Sides™.
If it’s not working, it can hardly be saved by being based on only sharing some genetics.
Finally… Blood is thicker than Deez nutz
Because the Nazis own them
Most major corporations are owned or operated by sociopathic oligarchs who would prefer to implement a fascist dictatorship, and be a part of the state capitalist monopoly, than have to pay higher taxes or deal with regulations.
This is what happens when society rewards psychopathy/narcissism with wealth and power.
“BuT cApItAlIsM pRoMoTeS mErItOcRaCy!!”
Straight to the heart of the matter.
So stop buying their shit
Great point. That guy does live in a society.
Because US corporate media is owned by fellow fascists.
Because he’s rich. And a celebrity. Americans love them their rich celebrities.
And more importantly, rich celebrities will sue you for defamation even if you’re right. That can cost a lot of money to defend against.
Wonder what happens when you take everything from a person and feel victimized. Hmmm maybe become a plumber?
You start wearing a ton of green
The corporate press is now just a pro-kleptocracy propaganda outlet. Representing the views of an oligarchy isn’t exactly “mainstream” so we should stop calling it that.
I’ve seen people here on Lemmy, people I don’t think are just trolling, that are finding convoluted reasons to excuse it as not a Nazi salute. And I am so fucking tired of it. Listen to virtually everything he has ever said on the subject of race and gender and sexual orientation and other such things. Maybe if he didn’t have a really long history of being a racist, maybe if he didn’t support the Germany’s modern Nazi party, maybe if he isn’t trying to get an unapologetic Nazi out of prison in the UK, I would consider that he accidentally did a Nazi salute (twice). But that’s not the reality.
“Oh sure, he’s a bigot that loves Nazis, but that wasn’t a Nazi salute” is some real fucking bullshit.
Internet forums have always been full of contrarians who want to be the only ones to know the “real truth”. That explains a lot of it. Others just get lost in the logic of it. I’f I can’t prove that he held true Nazism in his heart when he did it, does it count as a Nazi salute?’ This is sort of futile question they ask. The fact that there’s broad consensus on what this was makes them more likely to try to logic their way into a special minority position.
Fear of retaliation
I’m pretty sure that was the point
+1 to infinity
We are where we are because of fear. On both sides
Exactly. You accuse the richest person on the planet of being a Nazi,the facts won’t matter when you’ve got 3 billion in legal fees.
He can spend 100 billion dollars in legal fees just to spite them without affecting his life one iota.
Because they’re cowards and have been for quite some time.
They’re all hoping to become maga state run media.
Also, they have no problem with Nazis.
This isn’t complicated. Hardly worth the time it took to post. 🙄
because a huge part of fascism is the merging of corporations with the government.
the corporate media is covering for nazis for the same reason the leader enshittificator Alphabet, the otherwise twitter’s direct competitor Evil Corp, and of course the slavery warehouse Amazon were all represented with their figureheads Sunil Bakshi, the T-600, and Lex Luthor alongside that Troglodyte Phony Stark. they’re merging.
That is the precise thing your average true believer right wing “libertarian” doesn’t understand about fascism.
It doesn’t matter whether the state or the corporations absorb the other, the merging of these power structures (and religion as well) is the goal. The result is still a tyranny that can only be escaped with war.