I’m done, there’s plenty of other good music out there. Go to hell, Kanye.
This was the last straw? It’s fucking awful and he’s a piece of shit for it, but this is far from the first indication of him being an unforgivable piece of shit.
At least they got there. Some people still think Elon is a genius.
That people have to literally dawn a swastika in support of nazism for people to recognize that they are garbage human beings is fucked up. At least literal nazis can still be seen as bad…
Fyi the word is don, not dawn
Except if they do a Nazi salute…
I think we can see from the reaction to the hitler salute, that cognitive dissonance (or flat out support for nazism) is a hell of a drug, and will produce an endless stream of excuses and justifications to avoid acknowledging/admitting the truth.
Maybe this is just a windmill. I’ll give him one more chance.
(/s in case it’s needed.)
Maybe he’s just Dutch
Domain registrar appears to be GoDaddy Inc, which has a form for reporting this sort of content.
Report to shop.app too
Edit: Shopify is defending him https://thelogic.co/news/exclusive/kanye-west-yeezy-shopify-swastika-shirt/?lt=1
Shopify is telling their employees to not make a comment on it. Logic.co article today.
Time to let your favorite YouTube channels know in the comments.
WP may be a crufty piece of shit but at least they don’t support Nazis.
What? What is WP?
If this is what made you ask, “WTF, Yeezy?” may I ask which rock you’ve been living under so that I can catch some peace and quiet too?
The weirdest sons of bitches in the world
Three Horsemen of the crapocalypse
The crazy thing is that I can’t tell if it’s a joke or real
Honestly, if that’s real, the screenshot should go into the national archives. Future generations could probably use it with the same level of historicity as the Dewey Defeats Truman photo or MLK’s speech the Lincoln Memorial, to demonstrate how utterly irredeemably insane and bizarre the nation was at this particular moment.
There ain’t going to be a national archives for much longer
No it’ll be there, but it’ll just be photos of Trump and a private stash of all the porn they’re banning.
Probably save it in your personal archive, don’t trust anyone else to do it.
New York times wrote about that, and that shit is real.
It’s all real. Sadly.
The worst part is Trump sounds the most sane of the three.
I had the same thought; they should have picked out more choice Insane aasholery for dumps.
What is the legal limit for loving another man while being straight? :p
The limit is the strength of the closet door.
You can suck a dick and still be straight as long as you say “No Homo”, according to magat logic
Yes, the nazi is selling nazi merchandise. What part of this is shocking to you?
Kanye has been telling y’all for literal years now that he’s a nazi piece of shit; why the fuck do so many people keeping pretending he hasn’t?
This. How people are only now suddenly “discovering” he’s a nazi (or knew, but for whatever reason are only now drawing the line), when he’s been spouting this shit for years at this point, is a bit ridiculous…
It should be shocking to everyone
It’s appalling as hell, no doubt, but unfortunately it’s not shocking at this point.
To be fair have you seen people?
I’m done
He admitted to being a Nazi years ago, how did it take until now for you to be done?
He doesn’t seem to have a very firm grasp on reality so I could easily see people not taking some of the shit he says seriously. But yes he already gave plenty of reason to cancel him.
whether they’re serious about it or not doesn’t really matter
Just saying that to a certain extent, I can understand how a fan might say “yeah he says crazy nonsense all the time you shouldn’t take it too seriously” but this doubling down makes that an even more untenable position.
What about the dogshit music he’s been pumping out and forcing into games?
I don’t think I could recognize a single one of his tracks. I’m sure I’ve heard some before but would have no clue it’s him.
how would you even know it’s him, he rips off the least suitable parts from songs and loops them. He’s no DOOM
Maybe OP isn’t the sharpest hoe in the shed?
Maybe OP was looking kinda dumb with their finger and their thumb in the shape of an L on their forehead?
This guy was supposed to be satire.
“Hold my beer” -Kayne West
And Kanye isn’t blind.
Only figuratively.
The Boondocks were also on point with Uncle Ruckus
Kanye and his music have always been shit.
Weak-ass flow could never hold a candle to DOOM (rip).
Or Posdnous.
Or J-live.
Or Black Thought.
Or Pharoah Monch.
Or Grand Pubah.
Or Chubb Rock.
Or Masta Ace.
Or… …the point is I could fucking go on here for a bit and not run out of talent that not only eclipses Kanye, but precedes him and will outlast the relative dryer lint he’s contributed to our shared culture. He’s garbage.
Mmmmmgar… mmmmmbhaaauge.
I take issue with you calling a subjective art form shit.
Like we can agree something isn’t for you, but calling something subjective shit is just silly really.
P.S. Fuck Kanye.
Edit: Anyone care to enlighten me as to where I am mistaken here? So I can learn.
Not calling the whole art form shit, just his.
Again. That’s subjective my guy.
I don’t really like Kanye, well runaway slaps hard.
I don’t like Wagner but to call him shit would be silly too. Some people don’t like Beethoven, is he shit?
You’ve answered your own question. Art is subjective. Fuck you and fuck Beethoven.
Then I think it would have been better if OP kept their opinions on music out of it and condemned the dude for being a literal Nazi or added imo.
Fuck me fine, but don’t come at Beethoven like that. I’ll fight you for my dawg.
His late String Quartets are musical perfection. As are Symphonies No. 3/5/7/9.
His late String Quartets are musical perfection. As are Symphonies No. 3/5/7/9.
Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
See how this works?
I have address above that I sometimes struggle with not taking the literal meaning of what someone is saying and tried to explain how I will work on this in the future.
Please don’t attribute to malice what can be explained away by a mistake.
You have me worried, what has Ludwig done?!
Then what, aside from excrement, can you call shit.
you didnt make a mistake. kanye made great music, but hes a shitty person. if everybody stopped listening to music made by shitty people there’d be a lot less music in the world. led zeppelin were pedos (at least page was for sure) and they are still revered to this day as rock gods. just seems hypocritical to me
Thanks. I do think it is acceptable to separate the art from the artist.
You’re wrong because you’re being needlessly obtuse.
There’s no reason to addend “in my opinion” to the end of what are clearly and obviously inherently subjective topics.
It wasn’t a blanket statement until you decided to disingenuously disregard the implied non-subtle subtext.
I’ve always hated this shit. “One Directions sucks” “Well that’s just your opinion!” No fucking shit, what the fuck else would it be??
I do apologise. I sometimes struggle with what people say and trying not to think literal about it. I will try and do better.
I would ask that you do the same, as calling me disingenuous isn’t quite right as it was a misunderstanding of language on my part.
Fair criticism, and fair to call me on it. I apologize for the unnecessary ire I injected and wrongfully targeted at you. Cheers.
Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to reply and apologise.
Dunno, dark twisted fantasy is a banger of an album. Can’t listen to it now due to the artist’s recent actions, but it’s genuinely a good album. Fuck Kanye and his enablement of fascism, there’s no need to pretend that he never did anything cool - as if that would make his actions any less terrible.
truth be told, when I first saw Kanye’s name on a music video, I thought it was a typo for Kayne lol
That’s just wrong. If you want to hate on him for this Nazi shit, I’ll absolutely agree with you, but saying his music is bad is objectively incorrect. He has made the best albums ever.
- Graduation
- The life of Pablo
- 808s and heartbreaks
- Late registration
- Donda
It’s subjective. Remember that not everyone shares the same opinion 🙂
None of those albums would show up on my list of best albums.
They would all show up near the top of the list of shittiest albums though.
All I’m trying to say here is you can’t say any album is objectively good or bad because music taste is subjective.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi
NOW you’re done?
“Kanye West doesn’t care about black people.” --Kanye West.
“Slavery was a choice”
-Kanye West 2018
I think you might’ve missed some important headlines… 👀
This man has been screenshotted all over the internet posting complete bullshit takes including him claiming to be a Nazi several times on shitter. He’s the same dude who tried to buy Parler a few years back. He’s gone completely 'round the twist and literally everybody knew about it.
Now he’s essentially made some random post about his new teeth (ew) to specifically drive engagement to this Nazi shit and your helping him. Delete this nonsense.
Why delete it? Best to let a community know when there’s a Nazi in their midst
Because it gives him free advertising. It’s better that nobody drive any kind of engagement to the store page for that item. The man craves attention and this is the way he gets it. Ignore his silly racist ass.
Know your enemy
Edit the point is the Streisand effect. There’s still people out there that don’t know he’s a racist fuck. This shit needs to be the first thing they see. Erase his legacy from the front page, he’s a Nazi now
Don’t spread your enemies propaganda. You can know your enemy without spreading the link to a way for him to quite literally make money off his racism.
We already knew he was a racist asshole long before this.
I had a late edit fyi.
Many people do not know this about him, it must be shared as the first thing known about him
If they don’t know they have not been paying attention because he’s literally been screaming it everywhere he can in order to get attention like an edgy teenager. So congrats on giving him exactly what he wants.
New people get into music every day. Info, if common to you, is not common to all. So sharing is caring.
Even the code is bullshit. I hadn’t actually given his dumbass site any traffic, so I failed to see the batshit insanity going on. Now it’s about as obvious as those Republican fundraisers that were asking for $88 in donation to their coffers.
I’ve been calling him NazYe ever since he showed up on info wars next to fuentes ranting about Jews.
Fuck Kanye, glad I never liked his music so I never supported the Nazi fuck.