Reddit bad
Am I doing it right?
Overthrow the bougoisie
Cook the bolognese…
Beef stroganoff
dont forget star trek
And the germans
And beans, for some reason.
I mean in one way. Yes, you’re fitting in and in another way - Stop talking about Reddit
Linux, reddit bad, socialism and star trek are alright. The bean thing I don’t get. Never am I gonna spend energy learning about it either.
The bean thing I don’t get
I recall that being a thing on Reddit too for a bit… Just the internet doing its thing. People like random shit - it all gud.
Not enough blaming capitalism for problems which have nothing to do with capitalism.
Bagging Reddit is actually kinda discouraged, more Linux and communism. Or at least screeching about capitalism at every opportunity.
Also make sure you double check if you browse by all and decide to leave a comment
Let me guess, you commented on a community nodded by the admin?
lol this is great. Sorry, non wannabe commies get brigaded around these parts
Yeah is is kind of wild. They act as if I killed the cat
It’s just a huge problem on Lemmy. Right now there isn’t enough content really to justify defederating so it’s like they are the weird family members than you can’t stand but have to somewhat tolerate
The problem is that they are on lots of instances now
what did you do??
deleted by creator
I got banned for genocide denial when I called Ukrainian a genocide. ML tankies are a special breed of stupid.
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
Why not show my comments then lol
Oh I see you’re a regular poster in USAauthoritarianism. 😂
Glad you enjoy sniffing my taint. Come back anytime.
Thank you, I’ve been having a lot of depression and feeling pretty worthless, but comments like these remind me that no matter how bad things get at least I’ll never be this much of a loser.
Feel better brother
Yeah, for a website forged almost exclusively from former Redditors and especially ones who got burned by Reddit’s abysmal leadership, I rarely see complaints about Reddit on here – arguably far fewer than on Reddit itself.
The socialists are the native inhabitants of this land, the Redditors are the ruthless imperialist colonisers.
deleted by creator
He says that because the creators are tankies and so were the first communities built around them like .ml administrated by the creators. Last year’s Redditors migration after the API change moved the political center more towards social democracy and the people center towards .world.
Indeed, but the old tankie instances still exist, same as always. The centrists went elsewhere, to non-tankie instances that were set up for them.
Colonization involves taking somebody else’s land, but this is more like creating more land out of thin air and settling there.
I think those people consider the Lemmy federation to be their playground, and they are being xenophobic about others, but since there is not supposed to be xenophobia in their ideology, they call it colonialism instead.
Or maybe the Redditors are refugees and the lemmy nativists have convinced themselves they are eating their pets.
Say Windows bad as well. We’re not allowed to use Windows for some reason… I use it, and I’m not sorry, but I really don’t care about internet doots.
Dear windows users
…and Linux.
Linux, as a tool explictly designed to empower the masses, is socialist.
This is only partially a joke.
I mean… software is the means of production and FOSS is controlled by the people
And Star Trek
They already said posts about socialism!
and eating the billionaires
I’m not into cannibalism but I can definitely prep them for you.
Which has killed more people then even communism!
Everybody who used Linux has died!
And/or will die.
Wait! If I use Linux, I have 100% chance of dying at some point?
But at least if you use Linux you’ll prevent the death of some poor Microsoft employee someday when you inevitably want to throttle one of them
Uh…Political Memes on .world is not socialist. Much more of a, “vote blue, no matter who,” and, “but her emails,” vibe over there.
I don’t think they have many buttery males.
In an ironic twist, the defining characteristic of socialists in America, is also one of the defining characteristics of being American: “Butbutbut … MY socialism is bigger than YOUR socialism.”
Give it a rest people … ORGANIZE!
Actually the first one is users confusing corporate centrists for socialism
He’s right tho
Seems like the Internet is just circle jerks these days
These days?
Internet is a reflection of human nature, we’ve been doing this for millenia, we can just access specific bubbles of groupthink far faster and more efficiently than ever before. The internet has been like this since people first started typing their thoughts and opinions where other connected people could see them.
Our problem isn’t groupthink and bubbles of circle-jerking, our problem is our lack of attention-span and lack of patience, qualities that used to let us communicate and compromise with each other, now we’re all too brain-rotted to even form romantic relationships, too drained to try to even engage with people who don’t think the same way.
It’s fine that communities circle-jerk, sometimes those even become wildly successful movements in society. What’s not fine is we’re all so used to fucking scrolling that we don’t make effort past that circle-jerking anymore.
How come it’s never a triangular jerk?
I mean… It’s one of the reasons I like it so much here.
My partner has been insinuating that I’m a communist recently. I don’t think I’m a communist, I simply want to seize the means of production for the people.
Doesn’t that make you a communist?
You sound just like my partner.
Don’t forget to seize the means of computation to stop enshittification.
It’s part of the plan. To get people to accept a perspective before learning from where one has to stand to have such a perspective.
Something that can’t be denied is that there are bad actors in America who actively want the downfall of America. These groups look to the future and determine what will harm America in critical aspects. These groups (sometimes actively funded by other nations) arent actively seeking uprising or revolt this year, or next year, but maybe by the end of the decade, or maybe the next decade.
These malevolent forces at work arent readily apparent. One of these goals is division. “Divide and conquer.” I don’t believe it’s completely by accident that politics are so divisive right now.
I’m not that old, but I remember a time when people wouldn’t generalize and stereotype each other based on political leanings.
We again need to prioritize love for each other over political standings.
“I’m not that old, but I remember a time when people wouldn’t generalize and stereotype each other based on political leanings.”
I remember a time when people had to band together to fight back dinosaurs in order to stop them from terrorizing villages.
Want to write a history book with me?
We could call it “Bullshit That Clearly Never Happened”
And vegan drama that you really don’t want to get involved in.
I unfortunately learned the vegan community here is largely hexbears, made the fatal mistake of commenting on a post there (as a vegetarian)
Throughout history, the most unimaginable pain and punishments have been issued by the fanatical unto the only very slightly less fanatical.
Oh that explains a lot
Yeah I used to follow the vegan group cos I like tips on vege eating but I had to quit cos the meat eater hatred was just too much
I follow a flexitarian diet and they’ve always been polite and welcoming to me.
Lol I can’t get involved, every time they post “why do those dirty carnist rapist murderers hate us?” And I reply “Because you’re just as evangelical as the Christians on your moral crusade and it is very annoying.” Supposedly I’m “trolling” and get banned. The mods on those subs are averse to very well placed criticisms unfortunately (as funny as I think that is, as it further reminds me of the christians who’s methods they employ.)
And linux!
I mean, Linux (and the entire ecosystem) is a fundamentally socialist concept.
I would say GNU is one that’s openly socialist. If Linux’s (or rather, Linus Torvald’s) philosophy is socialist, they either do a very good job of hiding the fact or there is a lot I don’t know about them.
Who’s out there issuing atheist cards? And how do I get one?
The Satanic Temple makes a nice one. More of a certificate really though.
That doesn’t make him a socialist. He doesn’t espouse any of the core socialist beliefs there. He’s just saying he’s a “woke communist” (as described by the right), which could mean anything from a centre-left liberal to a Marxist.
Socialism is when Linus does stuff. And it’s more socialism the more stuff he does. And if he does a real lot of stuff, that’s communism.
I’d never seen that, thanks for sharing it!
Wasn’t Torvalds’ dad member of communist party?
Yes, and was a member of the EU parliament until recently. Both his parents were pretty radical. Linus tends to keep his politics private for the most part.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
I know it’s a copypasta, but I correctly differentiated GNU and Linux in my comment.
Unpopular opinion: “Open Source”, spawned from Netscape spinning off Mozilla, laid out in definition by the OSI organization, and advocated for by AnCaps like Eric S. Raymond, was always fundamentally capitalist. Devs spending a lot of free time doing free work for companies was not an accident. Capitalists borrowing ideas from the left and twisting them for their own uses is not new, either.
Free Software is more rooted in communism. You’re doing this to help your community. RMS might have always denied it–probably because it wasn’t a good idea to advocate that way during the Cold War and after–but it’s a better philosophical fit.
It’s past time to divorce the two.
There are discussions about open vs. free going back over 20 years, that I know of. The divorce happened long ago, but they’re still neighbors.
And my axe!
I just hate how it is vilified when we literally freely give billions in taxpayer monies to oil companies.
Indeed, corporate socialism and the search for deregulation, self-regulation and cheap labor.
I realize we’re inherently not capitalistic platform because everyone has the access to own their portion. Pretty cool imo and not to toot the horn for the millionth time, it definitely seems like the future of the internet
Blud thinks this is Mastodon or smth
That’s the neat part. From my perspective, this *is* Mastodon.
You don’t need to sell it to me, I already love it.
Political Memes is socialist?
I literally blocked it because it’s just liberals pretending to be socialist.
The Linux crew is going to be cheesed
As a Mutualist Linux user I concur.