That would give me nightmares if I went to see it and I don’t think that’s what Disney is going for.
Pretty much entirely defeats the purpose of “live action”. There’s essentially 7 dwarves and four humans that are going to have any lines worth mentioning. So out of ten possible roles only four are actually live. At that point, just animate the damn thing lol
They made a Lion King “live action”. Words just don’t have meaning anymore
Wait. Do you mean to suggest those aren’t trained lions?! I can not, will not believe it!
And a prequel to that version of the film is coming out this year. Sigh.
Aaaand then we’re back to Zemeckis’ mocap atrocities. Remember Beowulf? Remember his Christmas Story? shudder
Listen, we didn’t need to go there. Everything was perfectly bad in this thread and you had to make it ultra bad.
Oh, gods, you had to remind me lol
Peter Dinklage can get seriously fucked for being directly responsible for this nightmare. Way to pull the ladder (and the stack of books you used to reach the ladder) up behind you, Pete.
Massive corp predictably does as little as possible to address their systemic prejudices
Proceed to blame person pointing it out and mock their height to boot
Are you fucking serious right now?
Peter Dinklage can get seriously fucked for being directly responsible for this nightmare. Way to pull the ladder (and the stack of books you used to reach the ladder) up behind you, Pete.
I fail to see how this is Peter’s fault… Especially with the article you’ve linked…
deleted by creator
He is in no way responsible for a movie he criticized. His entire point is that negative stereotypes are a thing and Disney should be improving in more areas than just skin tone.
Sorry I don’t understand how the article you linked implies what you’re saying. Is there some context I’m missing?
From my understanding, Peter blasted Hollywood for wanting to use little people to cast as dwarves. The little people actors in Hollywood were pissed at Peter because that’s like the only roles they ever get. Now instead of using real people they use CGI, so Peter basically stole seven roles from real actors in Hollywood.
So instead, they just… CGI’d dwarves? How is that any better?
I remember seeing promo or set photos of actual people that still didn’t seem much better.
Edit: Ah, this was the image.
WTF? There’s one actual dwarf there.
Also, this looks like cosplays from a ren faire.
When they went CGI they also took 6 roles from any actors because they are having one person do all the motion capture.
This is entirely Disney’s fault for missing the point about steretypes and making it about casting so they could hire fewer actors.
See Defunctland’s recent video addressing why Disney was so obsessed with animatronics…
I would, but Defunctland has a habit of making videos twice as long as they should be.
The Cliffs Notes version is that Walt thought actors were too unreliable and inconsistent. With perfected animatronics, who needed actors? Obviously it’s more nuanced than that but that’s the gist.
Even if they insist on using CG for the dwarves, maybe don’t make them horrific nightmares?
Yikes, thanks for clearing that up.
As i remember it, Disney announced the movie, Dinklage ranted about “backwards fucking stereotypes,” Disney backpedaled to Snow White and the Seven Magical Creatures which was massively ridiculed, and so they settled on CGI dwarves. That’s seven roles for LP that just evaporated to soothe one guy.
The link wasn’t the best and I’ll need to wait until after coffee next time.
Which is entirely Disney’s fault. Dinklage was complaining about the story being a backwards-ass story about a bunch of dwarves stuffed into a tiny house and obsessing over the first woman they see. His complaints had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with whether those dwarves were CG or played by LP. It’s incredibly unlikely that Disney ever planned on hiring LP actors for the dwarves to begin with, but if they took the complete wrong point from Dinklage’s criticism and changed direction over it, it’s certainly not his fault.
I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, but due to GoT, Peter is/was massively popular, and Disney is always trying to please the lowest common denominator, so, i don’t feel he’s blameless here.
Perhaps he’s not completely at fault, but his comments clearly didn’t help LP actors. Just my $.02.
Disney tries to please the lowest common denominator, so let’s blame the lowest common denominator for Disney getting it wrong. Did I get that right?
do you have the same issue with the Lord of the Rings movies and TV show?
Why are adults still watching this? It’s a cash grab. Let the kids watch it.
Kids don’t go to theatres alone, do they?
Then who was the little shit looking at the phone with their friends 2 rows in front of me while the film was on? I’m guessing it wasn’t the dwarf from snow white.
They should, but unfortunately today’s parents have been convinced that the world is extremely dangerous and that letting their children go outside to have adventures and build their confidence is “bad parenting”.
I don’t think it’s bad parenting to not leave a 5-year-old alone in a movie theater. Not unless you expect the theater staff to parent on your behalf if that 5-year-old gets bored and decides to leave.
Who said anything about five year olds?
The person above you said:
Kids don’t go to theatres alone, do they?
And you said they should.
Five-year-olds, last I checked, were kids.
Seventeen-year-olds, last I checked, were kids.
Yes. Both are in the subset of “kids,” all of which the person above you said should go to theaters alone. They did not give an age range.
It would definitely give me nightmares if I were a kid.
You don’t find those dwarves horrifying?
They don’t look good, that’s for sure.
I’d have preferred to have 7 Dwayne Johnson Oompa Loomped instead of this monstrosity…
(Why Dwayne Johnson? Because Peter Dinklage statements).
Just take the your copy of the original movie DVD and say you already own a license for it and demand to be let in for free
Bitch I got the vhs!
This movie looks wrong on all accounts.
I have never watched any of these Disney CGI cash grab remakes not the least because they make me nauseous with how cynical and soulless they look.
It sounds like hyperbole but when I watch a clip of one of these movies all I can think about is how the structure of modern society is extremely hostile towards materially (not just rhetorically) valuing artists and valuing their labor and unique strengths.
THIS was the inveitable final form of the broken and dying society I was born into wasn’t it?
The experience of seeing these kinds of degradations (along the axis of humanity) of art is to make me wish I was never raised an artist and that I could trade every bit of my creativity away for something people actually value and relieve me of the living hell of trying and constantly failing to navigate modern daily life with an artist’s ADHD mind.
Another dogshit looking green screen atrocity. I think their only purpose is to remind people that the animated original exists.
I really don’t get the racism around her being Snow White. She literally looks exactly like the cartoon character. What a dumb hill to take a stand on.
Agreed. She looks like a typical white lady to me. In fact, I’ve seen plenty of people who call themselves white with darker skin.
Does the new movie still have the scene where they wash the dwarfs clean? That could interesting to see. …
I don’t get it, the dwarfs look white enough to me /s
This is bad AI, right?
Edit: wtf?! It’s real?? And that genocide supporter, Gal Gadot, is starring in it… Ugh.
Isn’t the main lead a vocal Palestine supporter? Wish she had the guts to drop out of the project cause replacing dwarves with cgi is ridiculous.
How bout not complaining? Is that an option?
I mean, people didn’t cry about Lord of A Rings because of Gimly the Dwarve. Pretty sure Luciano Pavarotti wasn’t a shorty
Luciano Pavarotti wasn’t a shorty
This comment confused the heck out of me. Gimli was played by John Rhys-Davies, and that actor is still alive.
Yeah, the guy from Sliders! He had tears in his 'fro!
And then he got sent off to kromag breeding camp
Think the only live action Snow White that matters is “Biancaneve e I sette nani”
It’s not that explicit, but I’m really surprised no one has ever taken on the challenge of adapting Donald Barthelme’s Snow White as a film.
Not explicit, but my favorite part of the book:
“OH I wish there were some words in the world that were not the words I always hear!” Snow White exclaimed loudly. We regarded each other sitting around the breakfast table with its big cardboard boxes of “Fear,” “Chix,” and “Rats.” Words in the world that were not the words she always heard? What words could those be? “Fish slime,” Howard said, but he was a visitor, and rather crude too, and we instantly regretted that we had lent him a sleeping bag, and took it away from him, and took away his bowl too, and the Chix that were in it, and the milk on top of the Chix, and his spoon and napkin and chair, and began pelting him with boxes, to indicate that his welcome had been used up. We soon got rid of him.